From tonight until Friday, February 1st at 6pm PST, I'm offering the chance to win a 20% off coupon code to the HCH Etsy shop. Possible entry methods are below, and the more entries you make, the more chances you have to win!
- Tweet about the giveaway. An example tweet: I just entered the @HoneyCoolerHM Valentine's Day giveaway! Score 20% off anything in the shop - find out how here:
- In the comments below, tell me what you'd buy from the shop if you won the code.
- Join the mailing list.
- Invite your friends to follow HCH on Facebook too by sharing the giveaway details.
- Add HCH to your favorite shops on Etsy.
For every entry you make, comment below to let me know. That may mean making multiple comments! Include your Twitter handle or email address for each entry so I have a way to get in touch with you if you win. The winner will be chosen at random. Email addresses shared in the comments will not be used for any purpose other than winner verification.
Good luck!